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Thursday 15 August 2019

When Life Happens.

Growing up, chances are that you have been told and/or mentored to always dream big and aspire to be great in life. Many grew up with this in mind and hoping someday, their dreams will come through. Absolutely, there's nothing wrong with dreaming big and wishing for the best in life. It helps you to stay focused and be committed to whatever it is you are doing, bearing in mind the desired goal.
The manifestations and/or realization of these dreams and aspirations are, however, not guaranteed. Yes, they are not irrespective of the volume of hard work and resilience put into life. But for some few exceptional cases, it is always the case. Many a times, our realities are at parallel with our dreams. This is not, in anyway, discouraging hard work.

Often times, you see people you know are not in any way close to your match in terms of determination and hard work (be it academic or otherwise) thriving and doing well in life. You might have gathered all the skills and professional certifications or mastered an art (for artisans) or what have you but the opportunities are just not forthcoming. When you have done all that is within your power and still, things seem not to be going as 'dreamt', when it is looking like life is not fair to you, then it is safe to say life has happened.

Let me say having those dreams are not enough. Hard work, dedication and resilience towards those dreams might just not be good enough too. Some things do not just happen; they answer to some forces. Your environment (family background, school attended, your country of origin, etc.) play a very big role is actualizing one's dream. More so, though arguable, there are some elements of luck in life. Some persons prefer to call it Grace. It is rather unfortunate that we have little or no control over these forces. For instance, you cannot choose the family you are born into which a great determinant to the kind of school you attend and the kind of exposure you get.

So when life happens, you have got to face it and not be discouraged, though it can be very depressing. Some things in life are actually outside our control, the earlier we realize this, the better. Be strong and stay focused still, looking up to your God, the custodian of grace (if you like, luck), if you believe in one. Someday, the table might just turn in your favour but till then, keep hoping and praying for the best. Remember, suicide is never an option.



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