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Thursday 15 August 2019

A 'Good' in every 'Bad' …

Nothing is exclusively bad. There is always a good thing to take from every bad situation. Again, nothing or no one is completely useless. Even a dead clock is correct twice in a day. Ugly/bad experiences can be likened to our night, dark and valley experiences or to our trying and down times.

Of course, no one in their right senses will pray for bad occurrences. Like I always say, some things in life are outside our immediate control. Some experiences, nonetheless, are avoidable. But when these unavoidable life experiences happen, it is always best not to allow them go to waste. Little wonder the Bible says to count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations.

After every night experience, comes the day. That is a natural law of life that is not negotiable. However, whatever you make of the night time determines your experience during the day. The night periods; the periods we go through seemingly unpleasant experiences are re-defining moments, they are time for reflection and re-evaluation. When these dark times are best made use of, they birth a morning experience, innovations, inventions, etc. that will not only put smiles on your face but also erodes the pains of the past as though they never happened.

When these things happen, it is time to sit back and critically look out for the positives to take from these experiences. And when these positives are acted upon, transition to favorable experiences are inevitable. I have seen people that unjustly lost their jobs and as a result ended up as employers of labour. Losing their jobs was not the end of the world for them. They saw it as a wake up for call (a positive) and acted. Learnt some skills and took some professional courses and floated their own companies.

I have never been so happy watching Chelsea Football Club play over the years like they did at the Super Club against Liverpool FC. Yes, I am a Chelsea fan, Lol. The transfer ban (a seemingly hopeless condition) made the management of the club think outside the box as no established manager was willing to coach the team. The outcome is a quality football as we have never had from a crop of young inexperienced players. This, obviously, will translate into winning trophies with time (should you want to remind me we lost the match… Lol)

Do not make light of any situation. There is always something in there to learn from every seemingly unpleasant situation. Do not let them go to waste, make good use of that situation you are going through now.


© Doxa.

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