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Monday 19 August 2019

Tourism in Nigeria: A Neglected Goldmine

Most Nigerians today prefer to have their vacations abroad. Tourist centers in Nigeria are mostly visited by those who cannot afford the luxury of travelling abroad for their vacations. Little wonder the percentage of foreigners coming to Nigeria for vacation is nothing to reckon with. Charity, they say, begins at home.
On the flip side, before the blame game, what are the conditions of these natural endowments? How presentable and attractive are they? What is the government doing to make us compete continent-ally, if not globally, in tourism?  

Beyond the usual cliché and without an iota of doubt, Nigeria is a naturally blessed country. Asides the natural endowments – rocks, waterfalls, reserves, vegetation, springs, etc., our cultural diversity is of great interest to the international community, another recipe for tourism. A visit to Timbu (Click here) reveals how great a tourist center Nigeria is.

The Olumo Rock in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
Next to corruption, our bane as a nation is bad leadership, leaders without vision and foresight. Nothing stops this country from being ranked amongst the leading tourist nations in Africa, if not the World. This is a goldmine that is being allowed to go to waste. Some nations, that are not as naturally blessed as we are, are making the best out of this goldmine and are cashing out big time and it is contributing largely to some economies.

As Nigeria is thinking diversification, this is a call for the government to look and invest massively in tourism. The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) should wake from their slumber and get working. The citizens can also support the government by visiting these places and promote them. That way, we can attract foreign tourist and our economy will be better diversified.

What are your plans for your next vacation? Like the popular slogan goes, “Change begins with me”. Take a quick look at Timbu (Explore here) for the several options you have and make deliberate efforts to spend your next vacation in Nigeria.



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